The struggles of 2020 and beyond
It’s New Year’s Eve and I think it’s safe to say that we are all hoping for a better and brighter 2021. We have all struggled in some way with the Pandemic and we aren’t out of the woods quite yet.
Since April, I have been providing a lot more online support to the families that I work with, which has meant that therapy has been able to continue. It has also reduced the amount of time I’ve spent travelling to meetings. The main challenge has been ensuring a good internet connection, with “frozen” screens sometimes interrupting the flow.
I definitely prefer the face-to-face therapy and was so happy to return to schools in September, albeit with a mask/visor. To be able to touch and connect with the child is such an integral part of my role. I really missed it! And I have been amazed at how resilient the children have all been; they have embraced and accepted this new “normal”, which I still struggle with. It’s amazing what kids can teach you.
As I see the numbers creeping up in recent weeks, I’m reminded that care and caution are still required. While I wait patiently for my vaccine, I realise that I am still a bit nervous about what may unfold over the next few months. A few months ago, I contributed to a blog about building resilience. So it’s time to practice what I preach! Have a read and hopefully it provides you with some useful tips.
I wish you a happy and healthy 2021. We deserve it!