We are living in a very different world. Schools are shut and social distancing measures are stringent. As a result, the delivery of non-essential health services has drastically changed. My Independent Occupational Therapy service has had to adapt as a result of this Pandemic. Although I am missing face to face contact with children, I am instead conducting Telehealth sessions with the child and their parent/carer via Zoom or other FaceTime platforms.
I am lucky to have 2 children who are willing to demonstrate specific positions and/or activities whilst I explain. It has prompted me to think “outside the box”. Not all families have the same equipment and materials to hand that I do. Household items such as clothes pegs, marbles, tongs, tokens/coins, pasta shapes, play doh, soft balls, balloons, etc. are all proving to be very useful and therapeutic!
I have put together a few obstacle courses and a sensory path that my children have engaged in. A sensory path provides an opportunity for sensory feedback by incorporating different movements in a fun way. It involves a range of activities such as hopping, jumping, balance walks (e.g. on tip toes or heel to toe), changes in direction, etc. The paths can be done indoors or outdoors, with or without equipment. In addition to having a calming effect, the sensory paths also help to increase a child’s attention and focus. During these times of Stay Home, Stay Safe, we could all use a few ideas to keep the kids occupied!
Obstacle course fun
Posted by Function First Occupational Therapy on Wednesday, 8 April 2020